“Comeback song” is an invitation for anyone who has been through trauma, tragedy, or heartbreak. *We don’t have to be victims to triggers, grieve without purpose, or heal alone. Leaning on each other, we can each make a comeback of our own. I believe that. *You have to get help. Find a therapist or a support group. Tell your story to someone who you know will honor it. Search through streaming services for documentaries and stories about your experience. Make a personal decision to address your past and move forward. *Healing can sometimes take a long time. Be patient with yourself and allow others to encourage you. . . #comebacksong #phillipenkeymusic #traumahealing #traumarecovery #mentalhealth #newrelease #newmusicvideo #newmusicalert Mom Jannell Enkey Portrayed by Julie Colby Written & Performed by Phillip Enkey Video Produced by Vincent Pelina Music Produced by Randy Slaugh Sound Engineer Ken Dudley Voice actor for State Trooper Terry Burden