
I started writing this song in the barracks during Army Basic Training when I was missing home. I finished writing it when I visited my parents and sat on the back deck of the house I grew up in. This song is for military and their families, truckers gone from home, students away at college, spouses gone on long work trips, parents who have to say good bye to their children for a long time and anyone missing the home they grew up in. The photo is a symbol of me being reunited with my mom someday who passed away in a car accident when I was young. I hope this song encourages people to reconnect with those they love, forgive and move on, return to the relationships that matter, that is truly going home. #originalsong #newmusic #singersongwriter #acousticguitar #acousticoriginal #positivevibes #newvideo #home listen to the song now https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/phi…


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